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TSI CDA® Bundle v2.0

Earn your Child Development Associate® (CDA®) Credential with the help of Think Small Institute’s self-paced, online training for $149! 

Plus a comprehensive guide that supports you through the CDA® credentialling process.

TSI CDA® Bundle v2.0 Anytime. Anywhere. From Your Own Device.

Think Small Institute (TSI) offers the 120 hours of professional development eLearning in all eight content areas with 12 CEUs needed to earn a Child Development Associate® (CDA®) Credential — all bundled in one training package for $149. The training hours you earn with Think Small Institute are accepted by the Council for Professional Recognition CDA® national credentialing program because TSI trainings are approved by IACET, the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training. 

Why earn your Child Development Associate® (CDA®) Credential? You will:

Advance your career and meet additional standards  

Gain better understanding of developmentally appropriate practice  

Reach a professional level of skill and knowledge  

Reinforce your dedication and commitment to early childhood education career  

You may be just starting out as an early childhood educator, or you may have years of experience in the field. Either way, TSI’s eLearning process for earning a CDA® Credential will enrich your work with young children and improve the quality of care you provide. 

Explore the core steps of TSI’s CDA® eLearning process below

Click Here to see the TSI CDA Bundle Infographic and to learn more about the CDA process     

Choose from three separate bundles for the Child Development Associate® (CDA®) Credential: 


TSI CDA® Preschool Bundle

Explore the course titles for educators following a Preschool Center-Based pathway and register today to jumpstart your CDA journey!

Course ChecklistRegister for Training

TSI CDA® Infant/Toddler Bundle

Explore the course titles for educators following an Infant/Toddler Center-Based pathway and register today to jumpstart your CDA journey!

Course ChecklistRegister for Training

TSI CDA® Family Child Care Bundle

Explore the course titles for educators following a Family Child Care educator pathway and register today to jumpstart your CDA journey!
Course Checklist  Register for Training

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)  


What do I receive with a purchase of a TSI CDA bundle?

120 hours of high quality professional development eLearning covering all 8 CDA® content areas with 12 CEUs awarded.

→ Three specific tracks: Family Child Care, Infant/Toddler, and Preschool. 

The CDA® Prep Guide: The Complete Review Manual, 4th Edition e-book that offers support through the CDA credentialing process.  

What is NOT included:

→ CDA® Application

→ Portfolio Development

→ Exam Preparation

What do I receive after completing coursework?

Certificates are awarded and can be downloaded after the completion of every course. You also earn a certificate for completing the entire bundle. These certificates should be kept for documentation in your portfolio.

What if I have taken other trainings?

Any early childhood coursework you have taken throughout your career may apply to the 120 clock hours. Acceptable forms of training documentation include a college transcript from an accredited college or university, a Certificate of Training, and a Letter of Training on official letterhead of the agency.  The TSI CDA® Bundle v2.0 includes 120 hours of professional development eLearning. The full cost of our training package would be over $300 but we offer it for the low price of $149 thanks to generous contributions to the Think Small Institute. So while our bundle provides you with 120 hours, you may not need to complete every eLearning course to earn your credential, but we believe you will increase your knowledge, skills and competencies by engaging in our professional development. You will want to complete it all!

What languages is this CDA® coursework offered in?

Think Small Institute offers CDA® coursework in English only, however, The Council offers a specific process for candidates working in other languages to ensure equitable opportunities for professional development.  

Where does Think Small Institute fit in?

Think Small Institute offers three specific bundles of exceptional CDA® eLearning to prepare learners for the CDA® exam and a career as early childhood educators.  

Think Small Institute does not award the CDA® Credential. The CDA® Council is the only group to award the CDA® Credential ™ and set the CDA® professional development guidelines. All CDA® Candidates must apply with the CDA® Council to earn a CDA® Credential™.  

What technology do I need to complete the eLearning training?

We strongly recommend that you use a laptop or desktop computer for the best possible learning experience with the Think Small Institute eLearning. We also recommend either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as your web browser on the laptop or computer as they have the highest compatibility.  

→ You will need your own email address to create a free account for the Think Small Institute to access the Learning Center where you will complete all of your eLearning training. 

I have specific questions about the CDA® training, how do I find answers?

Please click here to view the CDA® Council’s website for more information about educator pathways and the overall process.

If you have any questions about TSI’s eLearning process or CDA® Bundles, please email 

What books do I need?

Purchasers of the TSI CDA® Bundle will receive a downloadable copy of the CDA Prep Guide eBook. However, there are even more resources available to support you on your CDA journey! Explore additional helpful materials at Redleaf Press by clicking here.