By: Maya Fanjul-DebnamCyclists will hit the streets of downtown Minneapolis for a good cause on Saturday July 9. Nice Ride and The Minneapolis Foundation have teamed up with several local nonprofits to host the first ever #TourDeNice. Think Small is excited to be a part of this new and exciting event.A dozen cyclists will compete in a Nice Ride bike race to win prize money for their respective charities. The race starts and finishes at Gold Medal Park, with the winner being whoever visits the most Nice Ride bike stations between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.Think Small’s Civic Engagement Specialist, Marie Huey, is gearing up to compete for a chance to win a portion of funds for Think Small to help children and families in the Metro area. In order to ensure Minnesota’s children receive the best care and education possible during their crucial early years, Marie is willing to bike her heart out. (Though she’d much rather be biking to Izzy’s for a nice ice cream treat.)You don’t have to be competing in the race to raise money. For every Nice Ride taken by anyone in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area on July 9, the Minneapolis Foundation will donate $1 (up to $5,000) to the winning nonprofit’s donation.For more information on the #TourDeNice and the participating nonprofits, go to the Minneapolis Foundation’s website.