Healthy eating habits are important, especially for young children in the U.S. Unfortunately; childhood obesity has skyrocketed in recent years, setting many children on an unhealthy path. That’s just one reason Early Sprouts is such an important program.Early Sprouts gives child care providers the tools they need to incorporate healthy eating, gardening and cooking into their programs with this “seed-to-table” curriculum. The program includes planting raised organic garden beds, sensory and cooking lessons focused on six vegetables, training and support for classroom teachers, and family involvement.And, it works. Here’s just one example, of many available, of how this program helps children explore and appreciate vegetables.
The children are in the play yard garden at harvest time. Janet, the preschool teacher, asks Rachel, age 4½, what she thinks the Swiss chard will taste like. Rachel pauses, then she speculates, “It will taste like nachos.” She spontaneously takes a bite of the Swiss chard directly from the garden and then corrects herself, proclaiming, “It tastes more like celery!”
Learn how easy it is to incorporate this curriculum into your program, and start your Early Sprouts journey this spring! Think Small is hosting free trainings in January and February of 2016 for child care providers. Also, be sure to learn more about an Early Sprouts training offered in other languages.Plus, each program will receive a free Early Sprouts book to jump start implementing this award-winning curriculum into their work.
Trainings in English1/28/16 from 6:30-9:30 pm at Think Small, St. Paul Location2/17/16 from 6:30-9:30 pm at Think Small, St. Paul LocationTo register call the Think Small Registration Voicemail Line at 651-641-3549
Trainings in other languagesSpanish: 1/14/16 from 6:30-9:30 pm at Think Small, Minneapolis Location*Para mas informacion llame al 651-665-0150Somali: 1/30/16 from 9:00 am-12:30 pm at Think Small, Minneapolis Location*Diiwaan Galin Fadlan Soo Wac 651-665-0150 Riix 4