March’s PolicyHour provided an update on the state budget forecast, and the importance of participatingin the upcoming census.
State Budget Forecast
Betsy Hammer, fromthe MN Budget Project, gave an update on the recently released state budgetforecast. The state releases information about the budget two times a year;once in December and once in February. The budget forecasts are what thelegislature and Governor use to craft the state budget every two years.

The forecast continues to show a positive balance, of $1.5 billion, which is good news, but there’s also reason to be cautious. The Coronavirus and its impact on the economy, and federal trade and tariff policies are both things to keep our eye on.
The MFIP (MN FamilyInvestment Program) Child Care Assistance Program is a forecasted program,meaning anyone needing this service can access it, because the state has builtit into the budget. This program is showing a slight decline in caseloads dueto the strong economy.
The Basic SlidingFee Child Care and Early Learning Scholarships are not forecasted, so theamount of money that is allocated by the legislature is what is available tochildren and families.
Since the statebudget was set last year, there is no need to pass any budget related itemsthis year, but it’s likely the legislature and Governor will work together topass a supplemental budget. They will also work together to pass a capitalinvestment, or bonding, bill.
The legislature must adjourn by Sunday, May 17. The first committee deadline is quickly approaching on Friday, March 20. The legislature will be on Easter/Passover break from April 4 – April 13.
Andrew Virden,from the MN State Demographic Center, presented about the importance of participatingin the census.

One in five MNresidents, or nearly 1 million people, were not counted in the 2010 census. Toensure MN receives federal funding, (child care assistance, food program, WIC,and much more) and keeps our congressional seat, we must ensure everyone iscounted in the 2020 census.
The firstinvitation to fill out the census will be sent next week, March 12-20. There isan online option this year or you may also fill out the form and mail it back.If you don’t fill it out, there will be four more touch points, and then censusworkers will follow-up in person this summer.
Children under the age of 5 were the mostundercounted age group in the 2010 Census, which is where you come in aseducators!
You can helpeducate the families in your program about the importance of completing thecensus, and you may also create time and space to help families in filling outthe form. You can also encourage your staff and colleagues to do the same.
Learn more at https://mn.gov/admin/2020-census/.
Want to watch all of the March Ann Kaner-Roth Policy Hour? You can view the entire video on Minnesota’s Future Facebook page.

This guest blog post was written by Sara Benzkofer, Executive Director of the Minnesota Association for the Education of Young Children (MnAEYC) and the Minnesota School-Age Care Alliance (MnSACA). Benzkofer is also a member of Minnesota’s Future.