Think Small is participating in Give to the Max Day on Nov. 17. Thgive-to-the-maxe annual event, sponsored by GiveMN, encourages Minnesotans to donate to their favorite nonprofits and charities on the same day.Launched in 2009, Give to the Max Day raised $14 million in just 24 hours its first year. Now, thousands of organizations take part in the event to help improve Minnesotan’s quality of life.We invite you to take part in this Minnesotan tradition and make a difference in young children’s lives. Our mission is to advance high quality care and education of children across the state to close the achievement gap.Think Small works with child care professionals, families, policy makers and community partners to transform the lives of thousands of children in Minnesota, particularly families that are low income.We do this in three ways:

  1. Preparing Early Childhood Professionals: We offer a range of professional development training, quality coaching, and high quality resource and reading materials.
  2. Strengthening Families: We connect families to high quality care through child care assistance, early learning scholarships and parent education and referral.
  3. Catalyzing Change: We are a leader at the state and local level in advancing issues of access and high quality to the early childhood field.

 Early childhood education is a crucial way to invest in our children. For every $1 invested in early education, there’s as much as a $16 return on the investment. Improve a child’s future and donate to Think Small today!Your one time donation can have a larger impact thanks to Give to the Max’s Golden Ticket. Each hour on Give to the Max Day, one Golden Ticket of $1,000 will be awarded through a random drawing of all donations that occurred during the previous hour. Additionally, there are two Super-Sized Golden Tickets each worth $10,000 that will be awarded. The first will be drawn randomly from all donations scheduled through between Nov. 1 and Nov. 16. The second will be drawn randomly from all gifts given on Give to the Max Day.Schedule your gift now to avoid the Max Day rush!