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Family-Teacher Relationships

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Course Length

2 hours

Delivery Method

Asynchronous eLearning


On-Demand eLearning

Course Summary

How do you view the families of the children in your classroom? If you were to generate a list of words to describe families, what kinds of positive and negative feelings would they convey? When we see ourselves as partners with the families we serve, the quality of care and nurturing children receive is greatly enhanced. Establishing such partnerships and building relationships is our responsibility. Communication strategies, such as practicing active listening, are key to this process.

In this course, participants will describe the importance and benefits of establishing meaningful relationships with families and identify strategies for establishing meaningful relationships.

CEU Credits

0.2 CEUs

CDA Competency Area
  • Content Area IV: Strategies to establish productive relationships with families
MN KCF Content Area
  • III: Relationships with Families

1 (Beginner)

State Approval
  • MN

This course is designed to be part of a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ curriculum. It covers CDA Subject Area 4: Strategies to Establish Productive Relationships with Families. This course can also be taken as a stand-alone learning event, or as part of a broader early childhood education curriculum.