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Empowering early learning for every child: contact Think Small today!

Whether you have questions, need assistance, or want to explore opportunities for collaboration, our contact page is your gateway to a wealth of resources and support.

Contact Form

Fill out our convenient contact form below to reach our team directly. We value your feedback and are committed to providing timely and personalized assistance.


Multilingual Contact Information

Think Small’s Language Access Line is a free statewide service that is available for individuals looking for child care resource and referral support in a language other than English. To connect to any of our programs or resources with an interpreter, please contact us using the following steps below.

Metro area callers: 651-665-0150
Greater Minnesota callers: 1-888-291-9811

  • For Spanish, press option 1
  • For Hmong, press option 2
  • For Somali, press option 3
  • For all other languages, press Option 5

La Línea de Acceso Lingüístico/Language Access Line es un servicio estatal gratuito disponible para ayudar a los clientes en todos los demás idiomas además del inglés. Para conectarse a cualquiera de nuestros programas o recursos con un intérprete, comuníquese con la LAL a continuación.

  • Personas que llaman del área metropolitana: 651-665-0150
  • Personas que llaman de otras áreas de Minnesota: 1-888-291-9811
    • Para español, presione la opción 1

Think Small qhov Kev Pab Siv Lwm Yam Lus/Language Access Line yog ib qho kev pab pub dawb thoob plaws lub lav rau cov neeg uas xav tau kev pab ntsig txog zov menyuam thiab siv lwm yam lus uas tsis yog lus Aaskiv. Yog xav paub ntxiv txog peb lub koom haum cov kev pab thiab xav tau ib tug neeg pab txhais lus, thov hu tus xovtooj hauv qab no.

  • Siv tus xovtooj no yog koj hu tuaj hauv nroog Ntxaib: 651-665-0150
  • Siv tus xovtooj no yog koj hu tuaj sab nraum nroog Ntxaib: 1-888-291-9811
    • Xav tau Hmoob txhais lus, nias tus lej 2

Khadka Helidda Luuqadda/Language Access Line ee Think Small waa adeeg bilaash ah oo gobolka oo dhan ah oo ay heli karaan shaqsiyaadka raadinaya agab-caawimeed xanaanada carruurta iyo taageero sii gudbin ah ee luuqad aan Ingiriis ahayn. Si aad ugu xirantid barnaamijyadeena ama agab-caawimaadkeena iyagoo ay la socdaan turjumaan, fadlan hoos kala xiriir LAL:

  • Ka soo wacayaasha aagga magaalada weyn: 651-665-0150
  • Ka soo wacayaasha Greater Minnesota: 1-888-291-9811
    • Luuqadda Af Soomaaliga, riix doorashada 3-aad