If 2023 was the year of legislative activity for child care in Minnesota, 2024 is the year of reports! As projects from the 2023 session get underway and existing projects move forward, state agencies will report to the legislature and the public about the progress.  Here’s what to look for in early care and education reports for 2024.  

January 15, 2024  

Office of Child Care Community PartnershipsThis will be the first version of a report that will be delivered to the legislature annually. The Office of Child Care Community Partnerships at the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) was established in legislation passed during the 2023 session. The brand new office will produce the report on activities in the previous year including:

  • Analysis of current access to child care within the state 
  • Analysis of the current shortage of child care within the state 
  • Summary of the office’s activities 
  • Proposed legislative and policy initiatives 

February 1, 2024 

Child Care Regulations Modernization ProjectsThe Department of Human Services (DHS) will submit a report and proposed legislation to the legislature to implement the new licensing models for family child care and child care centers developed by the Child Care Regulations Modernization Projects. Information Technology Systems ModernizationDHS and the Department of of Information Technology Services will submit a report to the legislature on the status of the plan, strategy, and funding of the project to modernize IT systems for programs that support children and families. The report will be delivered annually until the funds are spent. March 1, 2024 Department of Children, Youth, and Families TransitionThe Commissioner of Management and Budget (MMB) must report to the legislature on the status of the Department of Children, Youth, and Families. This is a new department established by the state legislature in 2023. The report will detail the progress on transitioning to a new department and will include stakeholder feedback. July 2024 Parent Aware evaluation report submitted to DHSChild Trends is conducting an evaluation of Parent Aware required by legislation that passed in 2021. A detailed overview of all evaluation activities, findings, and implications for future improvements to Parent Aware will be included the report. They will submit the report to DHS and also make the information public. December 2024 Parent Aware EvaluationDHS will submit recommendations to the legislature based on the report submitted by Child Trends in July 2024. Parent Aware One Star for all licensed programs (December 31)DHS must submit a report to the legislature about the cost of implementing a one-star rating for all licensed programs in 2026. This must also take into account funding that may be needed for programs that seek higher ratings.  

Why do reports matter? 

Many of these reports will provide recommendations to the legislature on how to take action to improve early care and education systems in our state. However, they will need advocates from the field to help refine and advance them. You can use the reports as a tool for a conversation with your legislator.  Early Childhood Reports from 2023Check out these reports from last year that will continue to be relevant.  

 Did we miss one? Please let us know! Email policy@thinksmall.org with information about other early care and education reports we should be tracking. By Marie Huey, Public Policy and Advocacy Staff Leader