There?s now a clearer picture of what will become law in 2023. When it comes to early care and education, there is a lot! We?re still digesting, but here?s what we know now. These bills passed off the House and Senate were signed into law by Governor Walz.

Click here for a quick-reference chart of major early care and education outcomes. ?

Early Education Bill ?
HF 2292 is the Early Education Budget Bill, which contains Early Learning Scholarships, Head Start, and other programs for young children currently housed in the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE). ?

Here?s the Early Education Budget Bill Spreadsheet.?
Here?s the bill language.?

Significant appropriations from the Early Education Bill include: ?

  • $252 mil for Early Learning Scholarships in FY24-25?
    • In addition to this appropriation, there were many significant policy changes. Read our blog post on these changes for more detail on what we know so far. ?
  • $20 mil for Head Start in FY24-25?
  • $2.6 mil for Great Start Scholarships Program in FY24?
    • Following the recommendations of the Great Start Task Force report, this starts to merge the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) and Early Learning Scholarships to create a more streamlined program to help families pay for quality early childhood programs.?
  • $2.5 mil for Kindergarten Entry Assessment in FY24-25?
    • This would expand the current structure by requiring all schools to administer an assessment at kindergarten entry and report the results to MDE.?
  • $1.1 mil for Parent Aware in FY24-25?
  • Early Childhood Workforce Supports including grants to higher education and Grow Your Own?

Health and Human (HHS) Budget Bill?
SF 2995 is the HHS Budget Bill, which contains Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) policies and funding, Child Care Stabilization Grants (soon to be Great Start Compensation Support Payments), and other child care workforce-related initiatives.?

Here?s the spreadsheet.?
Here?s the bill language.?

Significant appropriations from the HHS bill include:?

  • $42.5 mil in FY24 to transition from Child Care Provider Stabilization Grants to Great Start Compensation Support Payments?
  • $316.1 mil in FY24-25 for Great Start Compensation Support Payments?
  • Child Care Assistance Program Changes. These are a combination of federal and state funds.?
    • Raise provider reimbursement rates to the 75th percentile?
    • Reprioritize the waitlist?
    • Update the definition of family?
    • $30 mil additional for the Basic Sliding Fee program?in FY24-25 ?
  • $6 mil for Community Solutions for Healthy Child Development Grant Program in FY24-25?
  • $4.3 mil to begin creation of a Department of Children, Youth, and Families in FY24-25?
    • Creation of this new Department will have a big impact on early care and learning. We?ll follow this and provide more detail when it?s available.?
  • $4.28 mil for REETAIN Grants in FY24-25?
  • $2.9 mil for Wayfinder, aka One-Stop Regional Assistance Network in FY24-25?
  • $695,000 for TEACH Scholarships in FY24-25?

Other Bills?
The Jobs/Workforce bill includes grants to increase child care supply around the state and establish a new Office of Child Care Community Partnerships. The K-12 Education bill includes additional funding for the Voluntary Prekindergarten program.?

Even More Bills?
There are many other provisions that will affect young children and families going forward! Home Visiting and early literacy programs received a boost in this budget. Paid Family Leave and Tax credits will likely play a significant role as well.?

By Marie Huey, Public Policy and Advocacy Staff Leader